The library welcomes the use of its meeting room for civic, cultural, educational, and public information meetings. However, permission to meet at Marshall Public Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group's policies and/or beliefs.
1. Meeting rooms may be used at the discretion of the Director or Librarian and under her supervision or delegated supervision.
2. The meeting cannot be expected to disrupt the ability of the library to conduct its business in a normal and orderly manner.
3. Those using the facilities are responsible for any damages or losses occurring to the facilities, its furniture or equipment.
4. No posters or other attachments will be made to walls or windows except in designated areas.
11. Marshall Public Library should be notified immediately if a cancellation becomes necessary. No group other than Marshall Public Library may reassign use of the meeting rooms.
12. Except for library sponsored activities, the rooms may not be used for the immediate gain of a for-profit business or agency, and no admittance fees may be charged.
13. No smoking or alcoholic beverages are permitted at any time.
14. Groups using the meeting rooms are responsible for complying with provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
15. The Board of Trustees of Marshall Public Library reserves the right to deny the use of the Marshall Public Library meeting rooms to any group that in its judgment is not in compliance with the purposes and policies of Marshall Public Library.
(Revised 06/13/01, 09/14/05, 09/09/09, 07/11/12, 09/13/17, 9/2020 Reviewed 3/09/2016, 9/2019)